The fruit of the posture of submission
The fruit of the posture of submission
The fruit of the posture of submission
12 Therefore, as chosen ones of Elohim, set-apart and beloved, put on compassion, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, patience, 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving each other if anyone has a complaint against another, indeed, as Messiah forgave you so also should you. 14 But above all these put on love, which is a bond of the perfection. 15 And let the peace of Elohim rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one Body, and be filled with thanks. 16 Let the Word of Messiah dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing with pleasure in your hearts to the Master in psalms and songs of praise and spiritual songs. 17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Master יהושע, giving thanks to Elohim the Father through Him. Romans 3:12-17
Capture The Witness
of My Journey
Prior to knowing my posture needed correction, I had become a strange woman before the face of the Most High (Proverbs 7) doing my own thing. I thought my ways were right but according to His Word, I would be considered rebellious. Like majority of people in this fallen world, I had a sick heart that housed un-acknowledged, un-confessed, and un-repented sin. Although I grew up in the church and had many spiritual experiences with the Most High, I was still wandering in the wilderness of my dysfunction as my heart grew fainter. The Messiah visited me at 16 years old and I asked Him into my heart but shortly after the desire of my heart carried me away. The desire to have a perfect family of my own kept me fleeing from His presence in order to obtain it. How foolish of me to think I could obtain anything good without first being good in Him. He is such a faithful bridegroom, abundant in forgiveness, patience and compassion but He will not leave our sins unpunished. It requires true "tent work" in order to serve Him. Allowing Him into our hearts (The Light) is the first step but coming to know Him as the lovingly committed One is a journey.
My whole journey started in the work that Elohim begun in me through יהושע. I never imagined a book would be fruit of this journey. This book was written from a place of crying out for help to identify and overcome my dysfunctions. In the midst of my distress, His Spirit began to pour into me. It started leading me in the Way of Truth. The first thing I began to grasped in the journey, was humility. I had to learn what it meant to be humbled. I don't believe He revealed the posture of Submission to me because I was perfect but because I needed to be matured. I made myself available to Him and the rest of that part is history. However, somewhere along the journey I got distracted and my grip on humility was loosen. My availability became filled with fruitless attempts to fulfill my own desire. Pride was sown and reached its height. Then calamity became my wreath. Humility and availability are the core elements of the posture of submission. I lost sight of this. I was far removed from The Way of Truth because pride and self righteousness crept in. I knew I needed Yahusha in order to thrive, but I became deceived in my heart. The results of failed relationships, much afflictions and trials one after another would get my attention but once the heat died down, I kept desiring my desires. I wanted rest in a physical covering yet never identifying why. In the why, my dysfunction would've been exposed. I thought being covered would give me rest but oh boy was I deceived. Since then, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 has visited my iniquities and uncovered my shame. Chapter 2: Expose Her foundations kicked started the change of direction. I am grateful to know and understand the roots of my error. My sick heart kept me going in the wrong direction.
In currently reading, this book, it was right around Chapter 3: Is She Ra:wicked- that I came tumbling down off the heights of pride. Guilt filled my being. He delivered a word to me and I began to seek His face. I'd recently lost my husband so I was already in the state of grief. The accusations against me was hard to receive because my flesh opposed it on all sides. Moreover my spirit was unsettled so I fought to seek the truth. Yes, it was found and received, HalaluYah for His compassion & redemption in Yahusha.
I share this witness with all those who want a true change in the direction of righteousness. There's a blessing for those who are willing to seek Him. Submission Is Her Posture is more than just a book. It's a call to an experience with 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, our Father, through יהושע, our King. It's in Him, that we can overcome the darkness and produce the fruit that comes by walking in total submission. Our submission is first to our Maker- then unto one another as it is written. Believing in Him is key!