This is a tool that helps us identify the characteristics of the original Woman. Being a Woman is not limited to this checklist but we've listed a few characteristics. As we set out to explore this list I highly encourage us to prepare our heart to accept the truth of where we are today with the expectation of being the Woman we were designed to be. Review this checklist in a space you have set apart to fellowship with the Most High so that you receive His insight about you. The areas you may be flourishing can always be refreshed in His presences when we heed His instructions. On the other hand, the areas that we are struggling in or are underdeveloped in can be fix or developed in His presence too. As we heed His instructions of correction, let us do so in faith, that the results will yield us perfection in His Son. Whether we are florishung or struggling, know that He is available and committed to restore our being if we have fallen down and to keep us when He has risen us up.
Be encouraged
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