Why Write About The Posture of Submission?
Becoming aware of submission through the eyes of Truth is changing the way I understand submission and how I want to function in it day to day. It's also changing who I want to submit to. I had it all wrong for a very long time but I write, in hopes, to express and share with others, the beauty of it's function. In order to do this, I start by sharing the things within us that opposes it's function.
The Benefits of the Posture Submission
"I share that the posture of Submission is learned in the father's house prior to entering into a marriage covenant. It's both beneficial to the male and the female. In their ability to learn, the ground for the seed of righteousness is cultivated. Hearing and obeying the Word of Elohim taught by the father and supported by the mother, strengthens the posture of Submission, pointing the seed to the Messiah. Once the true foundation is prepared, the posture is made firm by walking in the faith of the Son of Elohim, Yahusha. Now, when two come together in the bond of unity, they can produce righteous fruit in the marriage." Their offspring(s) and community becomes the beneficiary of their fruit.
- Zakah Yaskah -
Learning the Posture Submission
If the foundation mentioned above was not prepared in you fret not. Wherever you are today, you can make up your mind that you are ready to be prepared. Before you say yes and dive into the process, first prepare your heart for the journey. It's no walk in a bed of roses but more like a walk through the valley of death, because of the putting off of the old man in order to obtain the new one in the Messiah. Learning the posture of Submission later on in life can be a challenge but starting at the feet of Our Master, יהושע helps us to navigate and endure. It's our belief, that in order to walk out Submission, one must actively engage in the instructions given, by their governing authority, from a pure heart. We must learn how to become one in mind, body and spirit, as 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 our Elohim is One. Approaching the posture of Submission from any state other than humility, will leave one in perpetual failure, and never completing the goal at hand. Humility is ground zero and the evidence of good fruit in the posture of Submission is the end goal. We hope to give you a few pointers, to help you along the way by the favor of our Adon, Yahusha Messiah. It's Him who causes us to stand firm in this posture and to bear fruit. Understanding the posture and the proper application brings effectiveness. I recently was able to draw from my experiences, that Submission can not be done in the flesh, nor is it effective because we have head knowledge but it requires maturity through the circumcision of our heart in Spirit and in Truth. 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 commands us to love Him with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind and with all our power.' Mark 12:30
When we are made firm to stand in the posture of Submission, we are able to help in our full capacity. Pride hinders our ability to produce and leads one to destruction. We want to aide in helping to build healthy individuals, which in return will build healthy families. The goal has always been functioning families, in the structure of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄. He gets His esteem through functional Men, Women and Children. In this functionality we see the perfect image of The Most High 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄:
יהושע ruling over the men,
the men ruling over the women
the woman teaching the children the way of righteousness,
When the family is covered in the order of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 we are guaranteed to fulfill His plan. May what we share, be a word of encouragement, towards your production!
As I began to edit, I came to realize that this writing was centered around the posture of submission and understanding it's function. I was nervous about publishing because of the word "submission" having a negative stigma around it. The stigma caused me to consider the feedback of others, the state of the modern-day woman, the fact that I wasn't married at the time and I had no real success/experience with submission. I wasn't even walking in the posture correctly myself. I also considered that my personal view on Submission was distorted due to failed relationships and bad choices. I'm sure the state of my posture in the posture of submission at this time was one of the greatest reason I gave myself push back.
However, faith kicked in and I asked, What about those that are crying out for help just like me?” That’s when I knew I had to keep pushing. It's not by my own intellect that I've published this book nor will it be for the rest of my works, but by the knowledge, love, grace and compassion of the Most High in Messiah, it shall be so.